
citizen air quality sensors

An OpenSource project

AirCarto is an open, collaborative, and citizen-led project for measuring air pollution. As particulate matters in large cities reach alarming concentration levels for the health of residents, AirCarto proposes to measure air pollution and make this information available to citizens. We also organize workshops to raise awareness about air quality through the construction of sensors in schools, the implementation of citizen experiments with associations (measurement campaigns), and training in data analysis tools.

Air Quality

The air we breathe is unfortunately often polluted. Particulate matter, for example, are suspended components in the air and are mostly invisible to the naked eye. These particles can be of natural origin: smoke from an erupting volcano or dust from a sandstorm. However, in cities, they mainly come from human activity: motor vehicle exhaust (car, truck), factory emissions (coal power plants, incineration plants), or domestic wood burning for heating.

Impact on health

Particulate matter are small enough to lodge in the lungs and increase the risks of asthma and allergies in children. They are also responsible for 15 to 30% of respiratory and cardiovascular diseases as well as an increased risk of cancer. Other pollutants such as NO2, CO2 and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) can have a significant impact on our health.


AirCarto offers devices that allow citizens, associations, and communities to fight against pollution by independently measuring pollutants present in the air. The platform provides tutorials for building sensors as well as tools for visualizing data (mapping, etc.).


Fixed indoor air sensor

Aircarto is carrying out the project with AtmoSud Air Module, a modular device for measuring and visualizing the quality of indoor air. The concentrations of CO2 and particulate matter (optional VOC) are displayed on a large LED screen. Once connected to the WIFI network, the Module Air sensors send data measured on the Aircarto platform. You can consult the data of your Air Module by clicking on the "My Air Module" below


Order My Module Air API Tutorial Technical sheet
Fixed outdoor air sensor

The NebuleAir sensor is an outdoor air measurement device. It can be placed on the window sill or balcony in order to measure the level of fine particles present in the air. The sensor must be connected to the internet (WIFI or LORA) in order to send measurements on our database. You will thus be able to follow the evolution of concentrations but also share your data with all of the community (users, citizens, associations, etc.). Installing a NebuleAir sensor means participating in a citizen science project and improve our knowledge of air pollution. ...

Order My NebuleAir Open Air Map API Tutorial Technical sheet

Educational kit

Educational sensor for measuring fine particles

AirCarto runs numerous workshops to discover air quality measurement using educational kits designed especially for the occasion. Here we suggest you make your own sensor to measure air quality. This educational kit invites you to discover the basics of electronics and the measurement of fine particles using an Arduino UNO microcontroller board and an SDS011 probe. The kit is equipped with a battery to power the different components as well as a screen to view the data. Connections are made using small Dupont cables. This kit is an excellent educational tool which has proven itself when working with students in schools and with the general public during events such as Science Fair and even among air quality professionals.

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The OpenAirMap application is an open source project supported by AirCarto and AtmoSud to display in real time air quality measurements taken by measuring stations and micro-sensors. The information displayed on the map is retrieved via different measurement data provision platforms (API).

AirCarto partners

The air quality observatory in the South Provence-Alpes-Côte d’Azur region AtmoSud which supports actors in the objectification of a situation, planning and monitoring of territory activities, informs, raises awareness and trains about air quality, and innovates through actions research and development.

France Nature Environnement Bouches du Rhône (FNE13) which fights for the protection of nature and the environment and which brings together around fifty associations engaged in the territory of the department.

The Collectif Anti Nuisances Environnements which opposes nuisances and pollution atmospheric, phonic and visual effects which would be likely to be harmful to Health and the quality of life of the population of the Provence–Alpes–Côte d’Azur Regions and Occitanie..

The Air et Moi association which raises awareness among children of the importance of air quality through through teachers, parents and facilitators.

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